New Page
desestigmatizar la salud mental
descolonizar la salud y el bienestar
medicina naturopática
recursos de salud mental
mercancía ética
what is it?
why does it exist?
how do you cope?
f*ck these moments.
let's learn more about them & how to manage these boogers.
oh, people with anxiety commonly experience this?
you're not going crazy.
what is ocd?
where does is come from?
if you're distracted and you know it, clap your hands!
thoughts do not always equal actuality.
learn more about the various ways trauma can impact you.
you got this.
it just takes some practice.
consider it homework.
anxiety = high energy
high energy = racing thoughts
move that body.
herbs are really cool.
learn more about the power of nature here.
recognizing the various ways anxiety shows up in kiddos.
to the birthing humans out there, you are not alone.
learn about the role animals can play in supporting you in anxiety
how to reach out and connect to the ones you love who also have anxiety.